Tuesday 14 June 2011

Gaining Professional and Personal Clarity To Reduce Stress

There are many reasons why business owners, especially those juggling famililes, and other time engulfing commitments, can at times feel pressure, anxiety and stress in their lives.

If this sounds anything at all like you, then please take the time to take 5 minutes from your normal routine. Make a cup of tea or coffee, put your feet up on your favourite stool and read this article that I wrote for a leading women's online magazine.

It originated from my book extract about Fairy Dust Networking. The article is about the different professional and personal roles played by women, and clarifiying any confusing concerns.

This made me think further about the many 'roles' played when wearing public and private 'masks', and how that makes you feel during and/or, at the end of the day.

Gaining control of these 'roles' is one of the fastest ways to reduce stress and pressure in your life.

Until then, how does this dual role affect you, if at all, on a regular basis?


Friday 5 November 2010

Focusivity Stress Relief: 7 Top Tips for Stress Relief

As the months gradually roll into the year-end, you may now be reflecting on the previous months of 2011 to reflect on your hopes, dreams and aspirations. Have they become a reality for you? Or have they slowly faded and become a distant memory? Well, you're not alone with these thoughts.

We’re all familiar with and have been in pressurised situations, especially when around people that can literally drain your own energy in work, social and personal environments. Stress however, develops when you can no longer cope with the pressures placed upon you.

Here we look at 7 Top Tips for Stress Relief at work and home:

Tip #1: Manage your self and time more effectively
Wasting a lot of time doing unimportant tasks is counterproductive. Prioritise your duties throughout the day so that the most important jobs are completed first. Unpleasant tasks will always be there. Give them a high priority to complete first.

Tip #2: Know your limitations and stick to them
We cause ourselves a great deal of stress through our values and belief systems because we want people to like us, and we don’t want to let people down. We then end up doing more than we should. Learn to be assertive and how to say 'No' without offending people.

Tip #3: Find out what is causing your stress
We cause ourselves a great deal of stress through our values and belief systems as we like people to like us, and do not want to let people down. Take time to discover what is worrying you and try to change your behaviour to reduce or manage it.

Tip #4: Avoid unnecessary conflict
Do you argue to prove a point so that you are always seen as right? Is being like this really worth the stress involved? Look for win - win situations. Solutions to disputes where both parties can achieve a positive outcome and develop better people interactions, will help in verbal conflict management.

Tip #5: Reduce excessive alcohol, nicotine and caffeine as coping mechanisms
Over a period of time, these external coping mechanisms will be used to excess and can also add to stressful situations. Consider the amount that you consume and look to reduce, or even better, to eliminate them from your diet.

Tip #6: Relax, recharge your batteries and accept the things you cannot change
Changing a difficult situation is not always possible. If this proves to be the case recognise, then accept things as they are. You will perform much better especially after taking a break and becoming more relaxed. Relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises, massage and a variety of complimentary therapies will also help.

Tip #7: Find time to connect more with family and friends
Selective family and friends can help to ease work troubles as they can see situations from a different perspective. The activities we engage in with friends usually help us relax and we will often have a good laugh. If you do become stressed engage in some form of physical activity. It works off the biochemical and physical changes that occur in your body due to stress. Relaxation helps your body return to its normal healthy state.

Additional Focusivity Stress Relief Information
If something is bothering you, try to see it differently. Talk over your problem with a qualified professional before it gets out of proportion and impacts negatively on others, especially those that you care about and love. Talking to somebody else will also help you see things from a different and less stressful perspective and practical solutions are given for your benefit and wellbeing. Connect with me to request a 15minute session. Email: Valerie@Focusivity.co.uk

To order a Positivity Energy Stress Coaching 6-Week Session, select your preferred method type and click the 'Add To Cart' button below:

Stress-Free Coaching Sessions

Recommendations here ==> Further Stress Relief Tools

"In all the time I have known Valerie she has proved herself to be a most remarkable coach, loving, compassionate caring and incredibly effective in helping clients to move forward and achieve in life. Added to this a most warm and caring personality.
I am delighted to be able to call Valerie a colleague and I hope a friend."
Gerard O’Donovan
Founder, Noble Manhattan Coaching Ltd
CEO – European Coaching Institute

"Valerie is a very special lady. She is a very professional coach and has an amazing power to help people relax. Whenever I feel stressed, I just grab the telephone and give her a call. I would have no trouble at all recommending this lady's services. If you need a business or personal coach to reduce your stress levels.....contact Valerie!”
Geert Conard, Speaker & VIP
IT Consult, Belgium.

Click here for more ==> Testimonials

Valerie Lothian, ILM CMI
National Training Awards (NTA) Finalist October 2007
Focusivity: Image Protection & Employee Wellbeing
Web: http://www.focusivity.co.uk/